Feb 12, 2025

Surf Sister And Charles Ride Palm Springs Pool -- 2/11/25


"This is my second trip down to Palm Springs. I know understand the place better. Without salt water you have to put in more air in the mat.

I think they throw a little faux barrel in the middle. That was hard to get across.

You also need to stay a bit further in front of where surfers take off because the wave suck you back when it starts. A mat needs to be where it can be propelled into the wave, which actually breaks kind of softly when it starts."

 Surf Sister

Feb 9, 2025

From Kevin


Hey Paul,

Here’s a clip from today. Really enjoying that Omni you made me, thanks again! Been riding the mat exclusively as of late. I’m hooked. 


Feb 6, 2025

From Pito


I'm riding my Omni religiously, possibly more than my surfboards at the moment, the joy that comes from riding waves just for the pure fun is unbeatable!

Have a look at this clip of my son Elvis that is 20 months old, already on 4th gear shredding the shorebreak! 


Jan 20, 2025

From The Tuskied Beast



We've covered the mat riding in Pacific Vibrations before. The matting begiuns around 2:40.

 Jonathan Hess (The Tusked Beast) found this gem in an old surf mag...apparently there was a women's mat riding contest at Big Surf in 1970!

Nov 23, 2024

Credit Where Credit Is Due


                                             Not a spinner or el rollo in sight...

Nov 21, 2024

BBW In San Diego


Body Board Wednesday in Mission Beach was photo bombed by Mikey and the local mat crew!

Nov 18, 2024

San Diego Mat Sale


Mikey over at Pack Ratt Records on El Cajon Blvd in San Diego is have a sale on his inventory of 4GF Surfmats.  All models are $40 off retail price.

Now through November 30th!

Nov 17, 2024

First (And Probably Last) Testamonials of 2024



Following up with a ride report, Mr. Gross.

Finally got to take the Lotus 4th GearflyerMat out in proper head high surf with corners. I am sure you have heard this before but what I liked most about mat riding is how the wave enveloped the mat and me, morphing and warping to fit in the pocket. It felt like riding a hull in full trim. The other performance aspect I noticed immediately was how much speed the mat maintains in the flats/ white water compared to a bodyboard. 

Thank you for making my session fun yesterday!

Best, Joe


  Paul! I just took the Omni out for the first time and it was absolutely incredible!!!! Sooo much fun dude! So stoked!!! Thank you!!!

For the waves,

 Good morning Paul,
Stoked! Arrived back home last night from North Carolina and opened up the box....unrolling a new mat from you is somewhere akin to a child's Christmas morning and an adult's religious experience.
It looks beautiful, and in a short six weeks from now it will be sliding clear warm waters down the line on some Maldivian atoll!

I hope to get in the water later today. Might be some sort of south swell?



Hi Paul,

I just wanted to drop in and tell you how great my new 4th Gear Flyer (Udt model) is as well as how great of Therapy Matt Surfing has become to me especially with the AML Leukemia that I have.  You have Good Days and Bad Days with this Disease but am doing OK and still Vertical, Ambulatory, and Mentally Sharp !! 

I know like anything else its that old saying “How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall ?? answer Practice, Practice, Practice !! same thing on surf mats I would imagine ??

Getting ready for trip to Hawaii in late July so if you have any tips that might help beginners out I would appreciate your input Please !!  Again many thanks for the Great Price on my last 4th Gear Flyer Surf Mat. BTW I always go to “Surfside to Matt Surf as I can get my own peak or area and not have to battle everybody !!

Again Many Thanks 
My wife just got it on our porch! wow that was 60 hours from my purchase to delivery in hawaii…. 2.5 days on the dot for a custom order, you’re the man! can’t wait to ride it 🤩 wow that was fast delivery! did you sleep at all sunday night? haha it’s almost like you already had it cut and ready to go 



Aloha Paul

Wanted to tell you I rode the Lotus at my local left reef out here in Mokuleia on Sunday - 3-4 occ 5 Haw. Scale, a straight North so it hits the reef perfectly and peels about as fast as you can go . I like how narrow it was paddling out didn’t have to dig wide and that is a shoulder saver 

Anyway my first wave was  steep and late and I made the drop but lost control at the bottom and got crushed. Lost the mat so long swim . Caught my first good one and it felt like I was driving on the wave and the Lotus was my steering wheel! It threaded the needle down the line, point and shoot 

I feel like the rails dig in better , it’s narrower so I can backdoor sections and make bottom turns without side slipping , so I was really stoked on it!

Harder to hug under water but I’ll get used to that. I hope to send you some shots soon! Thanks so much for the amazing deal on those 3 mats I really appreciate it. I’m going out back and forth between matting and surfing but I admit I’m having way more fun may riding!!

Thanks Paul


Thanks so much for getting the Omni to me so quickly. It arrived a day early in my mailbox yesterday and I excitedly drove down to the spot this morning.

We were greeted by friendly waist to chest high mush peelers and the mat excelled from the first wave. Motoring around and planing high on the water and high in the face.  So fast.  Super stoked on this versatile and heavy duty surf craft.

Thanks again for your care and expertise! 
Hey Paul!

Hey man I’ve had the chance to ride the mat in two sessions specifically today shit conditions but was out with two other friends on mats and they have other brands and dude it’s insane the quality superiority of yours. Just how much more robust it feels and how your body sticks to it. Super stoked man thanks!



Right On Paul! Super stoked, thanks for the quick delivery, you guys ain’t messing around 🤙🏼


 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Hope you have a great winter 💙 🌊💙

Ps the Lotus RIPS!! 🙏🙏 feeling so lucky to have amazing quiver.


This is Thomas Greenfield, last year you whipped up and sent over an XL, a FATTY and a Omni.

The mats are an absolute BLAST! The FATTY and the XL are working perfectly for myself and family. Janessa, my wife, and I will go out for a duet session while family look after our little baby Gundry……and I will swing between both mats when ever I head out for a serious saltwater tutorial.

Thank you for the time you took to help get us some of your mats. Really appreciate it.

Take care 


 Dear Paul, 

They are here, and wow do they look sweet! Wow! "Prompt" does not even do that justice!
 Henry was thrilled to find his name on the mat. Thank you, thank you--we can't wait to get them wet! 
I already know from my short experience that side effects of mat surfing include feelings of giddiness and gratitude...corresponding and ordering with you--along with the small window into your world that is Surfmatters--have me feeling that same way, without even setting foot on the beach. It's nice for Henry (and me!) to know there are still people out there like you.

Or if I could just manage to cut the rambling: we are so excited! Thank you!
Charlie & Henry

Hi Paul.

I have had a 4GF for some time. The learning curve has been shallow...almost flat.

But last week, with a small, clean swell, I decided to approach it more like body surfing (which I do 60% of the time while my boards stay in the truck).....and that really made the difference.  Excited to hone in on the mat this winter.

Had some breakthrough waves that were amazing.  Sure, most were frustrating....but...but, those couple.  Wow.

Hope you are well.

 Know that your work has made a huge difference to so many people.  

 Hey Paul, Blaze here. The mat is amazing. Took it out at Churches and caught the waves of my life. Perfectly on the pocket then shooting out feeling like you’re floating on air. Thank you so much! Yeewwww!

Got a chance to take my Standard out this morning. Surf was not exceptional 2 to 3 with some 4 foot sets, low tide barrels.
This mat  is by far my best. Exceptional handling combined with amazing speed, can't wait to get her out in some big stuff. 

Thank you so much,



It’s all about that push of energy that gives you that sense of freedom. So many good ocean memories.

Have a nice weekend!

 Hey Paul,I am very impressed with how quickly I received my 4th gear flyer. And the Fatty looks like it will suit me perfectly! Just wanted to say thank you and I can see why you are the best in the business. Great quality and craftsman! Look forward to joining the low inflation nation 



Hey Paul,

I wanted to reach out to tell you how much fun I have been having on my 4th gear Flyer! There has definitely been a learning curve, but with every session, I get more and more comfortable. I mostly surf the jetties in Newport Beach, I've always watched these lefts run down the beach from behind the jetties and thought man it would be killer to haul ass down the line. I'm nothing special on a longboard and not a good enough body surfer to make the sections.  But with your mat, I am finally making these waves that I have been mind-surfing for so long. The mat has reignited my love for surfing! 

Thanks for making a killer surf mat! 




Hello Paul,

 I just wanted to send an email and thank you for your great customer service, quick shipping, and the awesome little details on the mat that make it "mine". My whole experience with you has been 1st class and I can't wait to get out and ride the UDT. Thank you again and have a great day!

Paul, I’m very stoked with the craftsmanship and perfection In materials and design. Looking forward to riding it in Kauai soon, thanks to your’s and George’s inspiration.

Mahalo! Let me know if there’s a place I can best drop an A+ review on your work and kind attention. Very smooth transaction despite my fumbling with payment method. Thanks for your patience.

Aloha, brother. 

Hey Paul,
Finally found some time to test drive the lotus in chest high glassy beach break and wow! Nice work it glides and holds like a Porsche, not that I own the latter…



Thank you Paul,

I love it

Was a surfer, then an SUP, now a 4th gear flyer,
5 days on the Omni in a row and surf is down and I can use a rest

Thank you also for the great service,

 Hi Paul 
My Standard arrived today and just wanted to say how awesome it is! I find such beauty, fascination, and value in handmade products from passionate craftsmen. Really looking forward to exploring this little niche in waveriding. I know I’m on the best craft which is always a good start. Thanks for a great purchasing experience.

 The riders guide is so awesome btw! A nice road map on where to go and what to do. 


 Had a chance to take the mat out this weekend and had an absolute blast floundering around.  I love body surfing and bodyboarding and this feels like the ultimate combination of the two with the speed and maneuverability of the board and the intimacy to the wave that body surfing has.  I had a brief moment on one solid wave where things clicked and I felt that incredible sensation of the wave face and the pure energy in my chest as I rocketed forward, it was an awesome feeling and something I will be chasing for a long time.  Super stoked to start my journey trying to figure this beast out, really impressed with what you do thanks for the awesome new addition to my quiver.  

Thank you, 



I have an xl, I’m on my fourth mat I got my first in 2019, I love them I have had so much fun I’m pretty good at dropping in turning and getting barrels and some few longer rides but Bolinas is fun channel sandbar and patch. Your mats are great and I go through about one a year and I’m fine with that they are worth every penny, as an exercise thingy I get a workout just toeing the bottom with fins and swimming about it’s changed me. Best always friend, I will order another soon thanks
 Thank you, Paul! Riding a mat has helped me get back to regularly riding waves. I'm always out there shooting from the water, but the post pandemic crowds have made surfing in San Diego miserable. Even this morning in Oceanside, the harbor jetties were packed the entire stretch of the beach, but there were uncatchable (for surfboards) inside peaks that were virtually empty. The mat has allowed me to easily get a full session of waves in and truth be told, while sleeping I've even had a few dreams of riding a mat which is something I haven't had in years on my regular shortboard. There's just a magical feeling of flying across the face. I'm really looking forward to taking the Omni out for a spin soon.

Thanks again,

 Hi Mr. Gross, 

Thanks again for the mat. It's been kicking my ass for months now - I cannot believe how hard it is. 

I think I got to 4th gear for the first time today. Felt like I levitated through 2 sections that I had absolutely no business making (and promptly outran a tube on the latter). Still sorting it out, but loving the challenge. The speed is unbelievable, even with the occasional inadvertent side slip. Still figuring out how to hold a line and stay close to the face, but every once in a while it clicks and blows my mind!

Thanks again and talk soon. 



Nov 15, 2024

Silver Strand Locals


BTW, here are some interesting shots from the early days of Hollywood By The Sea...

The Tusked Beast just replied...

Hi Paul,

LOVED that joyful surfing seals video. There's something very pleasing about animals playing without their Dominion Rulers attention or permission.

As a Californian used to seals as curious and timid Water Labradors, In my travels there, I learned New Zealand seals are figures of fear and menace! I'm not kidding, and I know Pahl will back me up. There are many accounts of attacks on surfers in NZ media.

Here's some seppo tourists discovering the hard way, drone and all. Enjoy!

Nov 9, 2024

From Jeremy


Hi Paul, I hope all is well. 

In the realm of fins, have you tried these?


Nov 4, 2024

Mystery Surf Theater 2024


In the UK this weekend...thanks Andy!

Oct 28, 2024

Halloween Mat Meet Report from Mikey


 Paul, it’s a wrap. We had a great time we gave the mat to a kid. It was 19 years old. Who’s been coming to all the Matt meats since day one he’s got a crypt and I’ve been relentlessly picking on this kid for days about the riding the crypt, his friend won The Matt last year so this year the lady who bought a bunch of tickets, she said if I win, give it to a kid of your choice so I gave it to the kid. The kid almost started fucking crying dude it was pretty good stuff Alyssa pretty much paid for Matt this year so that’s how the kid ended up with Matt . I have so much footage my friend Scott’s gonna help me make up whole little edit of everything and you’ll be able to post it on Surf matters and he’s also put it on his YouTube channel. It was one of the most positive amazing events ever dude I can’t wait to send you some shit, I’m gonna send you some money for shirts and mats and then some people are coming to the shop this week for some mats

Right after the beach, we drove straight up to the hills for some old barbecue, my friends hillbilly band playing

My buddy Scotty won first place for the costume contest. The bird shitting on him was too much. It made me die. He was walking around going. I’m having a bad day. It was so funny dude.

This is Hunter he got second place. He dressed up as me obviously fucking hilarious.

This is my buddy Ben who works for Surfers Journal. He’s our Director he Justin Devo. He actually shifted in that outfit so I gave him third place.

This is the super XL mat model

Oh dude, it was all day. Relentless blessing, mats and shit. It’s pretty funny. We’re gonna put a whole thing together with all the footage. It’ll be pretty funny dude.

Dude, the whole day was out of control! I can’t wait to put all this together together and a really solid little edit mini movie thing. Hopefully the one guy got some footage, but the fog came in and it got blocked the visibility. We’ll see what happens. The waves were kind of hectic too so it was a party for sure